Click the image to get your FREE Songwriting Mini-Course! Improve your songwriting with these 3 easy tips you can use right away. The tips are: Use different keys, chord progressions, and...
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Click the image to get your FREE Songwriting Mini-Course! The Ultimate 90s Pop Punk playlist has "dropped!" The 1990s are when pop punk became mainstream, infecting radios and the minds of...
Click the image to get your FREE Songwriting Mini-Course! There are 9-12 songs (tracks) in an album totaling 30 to 40 minutes . The length of an album is unofficial but is based on the...
Click the image to get your FREE Songwriting Mini-Course! Many artists occasionally release a "short album" called an EP - How many songs are in an EP? EP stands for...
Click the image to get your FREE Songwriting Mini-Course! In my choir I noticed the lyric sheet said "refrain" anywhere there was a chorus, so it got me wondering - What's the difference...
Click the image to get your FREE Songwriting Mini-Course! What Is A Bridge In A Song and How to Write One The ‘bridge’ is a part of the song that usually comes after the...